Describe the service:
Customers lease kitchenware and small appliances from us, and if they like it they can buy it. Otherwise, they send it back and we can perform maintenance. We can recoat eco-friendly non-stick resins on pots and pans and sharpen knives.
How would you redesign this product?
Our resin coating would be easy to reapply. The rest of the selection would be stock standard, to allow for easy repairs.
What are the economic and environmental benefits of your new design?
By keeping the products in use, we slow down the rate by which things get thrown out. Additionally, with increasing urbanization, storage space is a concern for people. It also allows people to experience that feeling of "something new" without wasting money or materials. The lower initial costs means that people can use items in the short term (especially specialist tools).
Which circular business models can you adopt?
Leasing vs Ownership and Long Life - Our customers don't have to own their kitchenware, they just want to cook and use the best tools to do so. If they see that they really like a particular tool or kitchen item, they can reconsider after using it.
Which cycle does your product belong?
Technical - Specifically the reuse/redistribute & maintenance cycles
Can you improve the business model by looking at the whole system?
This was an expansion on an original idea to redesign an easy recoat of non-stick onto pots and pans.